GRAND COLLECTION OF KERALA SAREES The Kerala Cotton Saree adapted from Mundum Neriyathum, the traditional attire of Malayali women in the South Indian state of Kerala, has been modified suitably, to also appeal to the changing times. weaving ONLINE SHOPPING FOR KERALA COTTON SAREES Considered as one of the oldest forms of the modern day saree, Mundu (the lower garment) and Neriyathu (the upper garment) together form the Mundum Neriyathum. The Mundum Neriyathum consists of the lower part of the body covered by the Mundu, lower garment also worn by traditional men in Kerala and the Neriyathu, draping the upper torso, from right hip to left shoulder over the blouse, with the portion beyond the shoulder left hanging. kerala sarees Kerala Kasavu sarees for various occasions Borrowing from this traditional costume, the Kerala Cotton Saree of white or cream with golden or broad Zari border, which gives it the name of Kerala Kasavu Sari, is worn specially for fes...